Your pocket-sized, one-stop guide to contemporary acrylics inspiration, practical exercises and exciting ideas for acrylic artists.
In this innovative, ideas-led mini guide, master artist and best-selling author Hashim Akib showcases the versatility and vibrancy of acrylic painting. Featuring 64 practical exercises and inspiring insights, on a wide range of subjects, from portraiture to the urban landscape and using a variety of approaches, from colour dabbing, working on a base colour and refining chaos into order, this book is ideal for beginner to intermediate artists; it will inspire you with new ideas, push you creatively and encourage you to develop your own artistic style.
Also available in the series: The Watercolour Companion by Matthew Palmer.
Getting started
Acrylics what’s the fuss? 8
Your paint palette 10
Acrylics in a nutshell 12
Brush up on the basics 14
What brush? 16
Warm ups 18
Preparing your paints 20
Glazing 22
Neat paint 24
Following a drawing 26
Adding a twist
Linework with a card 28
Spray! 30
Mediums: flow improver 32
Slow things down 34
Modelling paste 36
Dry mediums 38
Colour pouring 40
Pressure 42
Beyond pressure 44
Make every mark count 46
Drawing with a rigger 48
Outlines the drawing lasso 50
One hit wonder 52
Negative shape painting 54
Colour theory
Colours schemes 56
Notan 58
Colour mixing 60
Mixing marvellous mud 62
Dominant black 64
Break the harmony 66
Base colour 68
Colourful snow 70
Optical colour mixing 72
Planning and playing
Work quicker, work brighter 60
Edit your shots 76
Chaos into order 78
Black and white into colour 80
Flat areas 82
Glitching out 84
Playing with size 86
One-session painting 88
Taking your time 90
What to paint
Painting the everyday 92
Café scenes 94
Animals 96
Night scenes 98
Busy streets 100
Buildings with character 102
Composing portraits 104
Portraits on commission 106
Painting water 108
Painting a series 110
Professional tips
Using found images 112
Unhappy accidents 114
Finishing off 116
Floating frames 118
Canvas wedges 120
Packaging artwork 122
Being arty 124
Staying inspired 126
Glossary 128
Craft and Canvas
3, Carlton Street
Hebden Bridge HX7 8ER
United Kingdom